

If you would like to work one on one with someone, then consider working with me.


What Is It?

Together, we meet and come up with a plan of action. What is it that you want to study? What do you want to gain from working together? Whether it’s learning how to incorporate yogic philosophy in your daily life, or figuring out how to practice in your own time, we can work to find the best course of action.


What Does It Look Like?

It may be one meeting; it may be an ongoing set of meetings. You get to decide how often you’d like to meet to refine your goals. Working with me in this manner is very open ended!


What Are The Benefits?

You get a program tailored to you! You may be working with a specific injury, or looking for an opportunity to work on something specific. Either way, working one on one gives you exactly that!

Work With Me - Teaching Opportunities

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